أكثر من 11 عامًا في تصنيع البطاريات

Over 100GWh! Northvolt builds battery factory

Northvolt plans to convert a closed Stora Enso paper mill in Sweden into a battery factory to produce up to 100GWh of cathode material and البطاريات. The two companies have signed a letter of intent for Northvolt to purchase the Kvarnsveden plant in Borlänge, Sweden and the surrounding industrial area.

According to Northvolt, the converted plant is expected to start the first part of operations by the end of 2024 and employ up to 1,000 people. When fully developed, the plant is expected to produce up to 100GWh of cathode بطارية material. The cathode material will be used in تصنيع البطاريات at Borlänge’s dedicated battery production facility, as well as at Northvolt’s other facilities.

Peter Carlsson, CEO of Northvolt, said: “Since Northvolt’s inception, we have been focusing on cycle بطارية production, but this is the first time we have reused an entire production site. With طاقة, industrial water and extensive production technology in the region, Kvarnsveden It is the perfect location to build a gigafactory. We are delighted to be opening a new chapter in Borlänge’s history as a global industrial hub.” Per Lyrvall, Stora Enso Country Manager Sweden, said: “Sustainability is a key priority for Stora Enso, Difficult times must also be addressed. Therefore, since our decision to close the plant, the key focus has been to find a new owner, able to continue Stora Enso’s legacy of long-term and sustainable drive in Kvarnsveden, for the benefit of the local community. “

The mill, established in 1900, produces pulp and paper until it closes in 2021. More than 400 employees had to be laid off as part of the shutdown. Northvolt has manufactured the first prismatic cells on a commercial production line at its Ett factory in Skellefteå, Sweden, at the end of December 2021, marking the start of series production. In early February, it was announced that a joint battery plant with Volvo would be built in Gothenburg, not far from Volvo’s Torslanda plant, and Northvolt’s third Swedish battery plant is scheduled to start operating in 2025, with a production capacity expected to reach 50GWh.

mylion battery website: https://myliontech.com/

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تنتج Mylion سلسلة من حزم البطاريات، بطارية ليثيوم، بطارية nimh، بطارية LiFe PO4، بطارية ليثيوم بوليمر، بنك طاقة لاسلكي، بطارية rc lipo، أجهزة UPS صغيرة وما إلى ذلك. تستخدم على نطاق واسع في المنتجات الكهربائية المحمولة، روبوت الذكاء الاصطناعي الذكي، مما يجعل حياة الناس مريحة وذكية.


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