



太陽光発電は停電時でも照明を稼働させることができます。あなたはどちらを信じますか? 太陽光パネルは薄暗い状況で稼働しますか? イメージを描きましょう。嵐の夜です。さまざまな部門から木の葉が落ち、頭上の電線が落ちています。アスファルトが燃えています。周囲は暗い窓の海です。いくつかのろうそくが薄暗い光の中で揺らめいています。広大な暗い海の中に、家が見えます。リビングルームの窓は、冷蔵庫から冷たい飲み物を取り出す家族全員を照らしています。音に注意を払えば、iPhoneが充電しているのが聞こえます。これが[…]

停電時にソーラーパネルは機能しますか? 続きを読む "

mini ups square

最悪の Wi-Fi ルーター ミニ UPS の購入を避ける方法


最悪の Wi-Fi ルーター ミニ UPS の購入を避ける方法 続きを読む "

mini ups

UPS は家庭用 Wi-Fi インターネット ルーターにどのくらいの時間電力を供給しますか?

Is running a miniature UPS within a home network a good idea? What will the time frame be for it? This post will look at the situation and advantages of mini UPS—miniature UPS (also known as an Uninterruptible Power Supply) for your home network. Who can this be employed for? An uninterruptible power source (also called mini UPS) miniature UPS) is, in essence, an emergency protection system in combination with an inverter and a battery (which converts the stored energy within the battery into energy usable) all wrapped up into one. The size of the battery determines the amount of time it can supply power, and the inverter is the one that decides how the amount of

UPS は家庭用 Wi-Fi インターネット ルーターにどのくらいの時間電力を供給しますか? 続きを読む "

Solar System


With the increasing demand for sustainable energy worldwide, interest in solar panels is growing exponentially. Using the sun’s energy to power your whole home is an essential green benefit (think about the amount of energy savings!). It’s a great use of resources that could be utilized for a long time daily. But, when it comes to solar panels, do you know the materials they’re made from and how they work? Solar systems include solar panels (or photovoltaic (PV) panels) along with solar Inverters (super vital), solar Inverter (super crucial), and racks to ensure all is in place. They may also include batteries as well as an electric meter that is based on

ソーラーインバータとは何ですか?その目的は何ですか? 続きを読む "

Solar System

ウクライナ紛争ロシアはどのような被害をもたらしたのか パワー 供給?

Russian attack has destroyed more than 40% of the infrastructure of energy in Ukraine as well as causing concern for civilians as winter draws near. Russia’s war against Ukraine is now looking more like an attack on infrastructure. On Monday, thousands of Ukrainians were without electricity following a Russian missile strike striking crucial power plants in Kyiv, which power around 350,000 homes. Around 80 percent of the people living there were without water too. Kharkiv authorities also announced problems in the water supply from the east to the east because of air strikes. In what is now an unofficial wartime game that involves cat and mouse, people in both cities

ウクライナ紛争ロシアはどのような被害をもたらしたのか パワー 供給? 続きを読む "


トルコ地震 各地で停電が発生しており、地震による死者数は8倍に増える可能性がある。

The death toll of an earthquake that is strong in the south-eastern region of Turkey near the border with Syria could increase by eightfold, The World Health Organisation has warned. The death toll, currently exceeding 3,400 people, has increased since the initial earthquake was felt early on Monday morning. After 12 hours, an additional powerful earthquake struck further to the north. Rescuers have been scouring piles of rubble in frigid and snowy conditions to locate survivors. All over the world is offering support to rescue efforts, including specialist teams and sniffer dogs, equipment, and others. The US Geological Survey said the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck at 4:17 local (01:17 GMT)

トルコ地震 各地で停電が発生しており、地震による死者数は8倍に増える可能性がある。 続きを読む "



Ukraine is struggling to keep its bombarded electricity system alive as Russia’s energy infrastructure airstrike campaign enters its fifth month. Despite undiminished Western goodwill and considerable support, Kyiv’s pleas for the electricity grid transformers that Ukraine desperately requires have yet to produce enough of the actual equipment most needed to keep the lights on across the country.   Vladimir Putin’s decision to target Ukraine’s civilian energy infrastructure has been one of the few effective strategies adopted during his otherwise disastrous invasion. Since September 2022, Russia has been systematically destroying Ukraine’s power infrastructure with regular waves of missiles and drones aimed at power stations, transmission lines, and other key infrastructure objects. The results have

ロシアの空爆が続く中、ウクライナは電力網の修復に苦戦 続きを読む "

mylion banner


トルコ、ガジアンテプ — トルコ南東部で月曜日にマグニチュード6.4の地震が発生し、続いてマグニチュード5.8の地震が発生し、少なくとも3人が死亡、200人以上が負傷したとトルコ内務大臣が発表した。この地震は、トルコとシリアで約4万5000人が死亡し、推定100万人が避難した2週間前の壊滅的な地震への緊急対応チームがまだ続いている中での出来事だ。トルコ当局によると、月曜日の地震は現地時間午後8時ごろ発生した。2月6日の地震はマグニチュード7.8だった。トルコ当局によると、過去2週間で数千回の余震があったという。米国地質調査所がマグニチュード6.3と報告した月曜日の地震は、

トルコで新たな地震が発生、チームは以前の壊滅的な地震への対応を継続中 続きを読む "


The death toll from a strong earthquake in south-eastern Turkey, near Syria’s border, could rise eight-fold, the World Health Organisation has warned. The toll, which currently stands at more than 3,400 people, has increased rapidly since the first earthquake struck early on Monday morning. About 12 hours later, a second powerful tremor hit further north. Rescuers have been combing through mountains of rubble in freezing and snowy conditions to find survivors. Countries around the world are sending support to help the rescue efforts, including specialist teams, sniffer dogs and equipment. The US Geological Survey said the 7.8 magnitude tremor struck at 04:17 local time (01:17 GMT) at a depth of

トルコ地震:各地で停電、死者数は8倍に増加も 続きを読む "

Mylion battery

ウクライナ紛争:ロシアはどれほどの被害を与えたのか  用品?


ウクライナ紛争:ロシアはどれほどの被害を与えたのか  用品? 続きを読む "
